Thursday, January 12, 2017

Core 6. Accumulator

An input Inc goes to a Read module. If a clock is connected to Inc, it will generate Read requests periodically resulting in a counter. However, in the primary view, we will connect it to a button. Thus it will just serve as an Accumulator of click events on the button.

Each time the button is clicked, it will send its value to the Cnt output as well as a + module.

The + module will add 0.5 each time. In the default case, there are two events when a button is turned on and turned off. Thus each time, button is on, the Counter value (Cnt) will increase by 1. This is written back into the latch as well as sent out to a Numeric Readout in the primary structure.

The core cell:

The primary structure view (with input a button and output connected to a Numeric Readout):

The panel view:

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