Friday, December 30, 2016

75. Unit Delay

A Unit Delay delays the wave by one sample (1/44100 second for a sample rate of 44100 Hz).

For a triangle wave, we add the triangle and its delayed version. This will just get the sum of two samples, actually averaging, since the amplitude of triangle is 0.1.

This is a low-pass filter (simple moving average).

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

This is the Audio specturm of triangle (left) and triangle + unit delayed triangle (right):

We can see the higher frequencies are attenuated.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

74. 1-Pole, 2-Pole and 4-Pole Filters

A Sawtooth wave is composed of many frequencies.

We use 1-Pole Filter, 2-Pole Filter and 4-Pole Filter to remove the higher frequencies (since we get the Low Passed signal out). The increasing number of poles will attenuate the higher frequencies more.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view (We enabled the View option for each of the 3 filters from the Properties):

73. Audio Smoother

In the last example, we saw the steps in Slow Random output.

Should we not want that, we can use an Audio Smoother so it will interpolate in-between values.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

This is the Audio view showing changes at sample rate:

72. Slow Random

A Slow Random module will output a random wave at control rate with the F parameter indicating the frequency of randomness.

The output goes to scope and Audio out.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

This is the Audio view showing changes at control rate:

71. Mouse Area

A Mouse Area module gives information about the mouse such as the X and Y location.

From the View tab of Properties for the Mouse Area, the Style is set as Frame, and Transparency Inactive and Transparency Active (indicating if mouse within associated panel area or not) is set to 0.

In most case, the Mouse area will be over some other module and thus the default invisible setting is OK.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view after clicking in lower left corner:

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

70. 8-Step Sequencer, 12-Step Sequencer and 16-Step Sequencer

A 8-Step Sequencer, 12-Step Sequencer and 16-Step Sequencer will oscillate between 8, 12 or 16 different levels. It is similar to the 6-Step Sequencer (Example 69).

This is the structure view:

69. 6-Step Sequencer

A 6-Step Sequencer will oscillate between different levels. It is similar to the 6-Step oscillator (Example 60).

The levels are 0, .5, -.5, 0.75, -0.75 and -0.25. Then they keep on looping. The BPM is the default 120, so each beat is 0.5 second. However, the clock rate (Sync Pls.) is 1/8 note (1/2 beat) or 0.25 second. Thus 6 steps would correspond to 1.5 second for the period.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view (showing 1 sec view of the 1.5 second periodic wave):

This is the Audio view:

68. OSC modules

From File->OSC Settings, we can find the receive port # and local IP address.

We have to use the port # and IP address in external program which will generate OSC messages.

In the Connect tab of OSC Recieve or OSC Rcv Array, we can set the address pattern that it will listen for.

Using OSC Send or OSC Send Array, we can set generate address pattern and values for output for external program.

This is the structure view:

67. Level Meter

A Level Meter will indicate level of signal in dB.

The Level Meters, Level1 and Level2, have a range -20 to 0, set in the Function tab of the Properties.

We have two knobs, also named Level1 and Level2. Their range is from 0.1 to 1. The dB value = -20 * log10(val). Thus 0.1 is -20 dB, 1 is 0 dB.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view with Level1 knob set for 0.5 and Level2 knob set for 1:

66. MIDI Out modules

The MIDI out section of modules allow for sending MIDI signals as well as clock signals.

These are Note Pitch and Gate, Pitchbend, Controller, Chan. AT (Ch. Aftertouch), Poly AT (Poly Aftertouch), SelPolyAT (Sel. Poly Aftertouch), Program Change, Start/Stop, Clock (1/96 Clock), Song Position and Channel Message.

We could generate the MIDI signals in one instance of Reaktor in a DAW and another could be receiving the MIDI signals.

This is the structure view:

65. PitchBend, Controller, Chan. AT, Poly AT, SelPolyAT and Prog. Ch.

The PitchBend, Controller, Chan. AT, Poly AT, SelPolyAT and Prog. Ch. can give MIDI information about these variables.

This supposes that you have MIDI device connected and send those messages.

This is the structure view:

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

64. Sync Pls.

A Sync Pls. will send events at a rate determined by BPM, and setting values in the Properties for this module.

In the Function tab, make sure its rate is 1/4 (every beat), and the duration is smaller like 1/16.

If the BPM is 60 it will count at 1 second when the play is active.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view after 187 seconds:

This BPM is changed to 60 and play is active:

63. Sampler

In the Sampler we can load different audio files, as well assign different MIDI pitches to them, so they may be played by MIDI keyboard or computer keyboard.

From the Panel view, right click on the Sampler and select a file.

It was mapped to MIDI 0 and thus to play original sound send 0 to P input of Sampler.

It has been connected to output port to make sound.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

62. IC Send and IC Receive

The IC Send and IC Receive can set wireless connections.

In the Connect tab of Properties you can set the Internal Connections. Here we connect IC Send to both ICR1 and ICR2, the two IC receive modules.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

This is the Internal Connections for IC Send:

61. 5-Ramp, 6-Ramp and 8-Ramp

The 5-Ramp, 6-Ramp, and 8-Ramp oscillator work the same as 4-Ramp (example 46) except with more levels to ramp to.

This is the structure view:

60. 5-Step, 6-Step and 8-Step

The 5-Step, 6-Step, and 8-Step oscillator work the same as 4-Step (example 45) except with more levels.

This is the structure view:

59. H-Env

A Sine oscillator is amplitude modulated by Clock Oscillator.

The Sine has a frequency of 100 Hz or 10 ms period. The scope is set to view 2 periods, with time scale of 20 ms.

It goes through a H-Env so each value is held for 1 ms.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view showing 20 hold values of 1 ms each:

This is Audio view:

58. Saturator 2

A Saturator 2 will limit output using soft saturation, with inputs for the level of knee hardness, etc.

We use a Sine wave with amplitude of 8. This is fed directly to left channel after division by 8.

The right channel gets output after saturation with kH of 0.8, and then division by 8, so the two channels can be compared.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

This is Audio view showing a harder change (leading to higher frequencies):

57. Saturator

A Saturator will limit output using soft saturation.

We use a Sine wave with amplitude of 8. This is fed directly to left channel after division by 8.

The right channel gets output after saturation, and then division by 8, so the two channels can be compared.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

This is Audio view :

56. Send and Receive

A Send can send a wireless signal.

The two Send modules are renamed Send1 and Send2.

Two receive modules are used. In the Function tab of Properties, make sure the Connect is to proper receive in Send Terminals.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

55. LFO

A LFO works at control rate, which is default of 400 Hz.

The LFO has options for outputting Sine, Triangle or Pulse.

We choose Sine. Because a 5 Hz wave, repeats 5 times per second, we see 5 periods in a Scope with a time scale of 1 second.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

This is the Audio view (By zooming you can see it updates after about every 110 samples, 44100/110 is about 400):

54. Chan. Message

A Chan. Message will give the MIDI message such as Note On, Program Change, etc.

Since we only use computer keyboard, the only message we get is Note On. The Note Off message is indicated by velocity of zero.

We always get Channel 1, as this is the default channel as we have not connected any external device or changed the settings.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view, as q is being pressed:

53. ST Gate

A ST Gate will limit trigger to first key pressed, when multiple keys are being pressed.

We illustrate this by pressing letters q and z, at the same time for 5 different times.

The regular Gate will record all 10 note-on events while the monophonic ST Gate will only record 5 note-on events.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view, after the 2 notes have been pressed 5 times: