Sunday, December 18, 2016

26. Sine and Scope

A Sine oscillator outputs a signal at one frequency. In this example, it is driven at a rate of 1000-Hz. We have to convert it to MIDI pitch level, which we can do with a Log. (F) module, since the P input requires a MIDI pitch for the Sine oscillator.

A scope is used to view the wave over one period. One period for 1 kHz signal is 1 millisecond. That is why we enter 1 for TS, to show signal for 1 ms. The input YS is 1 since we only want to show it between -1 and +1 in the y-axis. The output of Sine oscillator goes from -1 to +1.

A Button triggers the scope to output the signal on its input. We could also use a clock for more dynamic output.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

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