Wednesday, December 21, 2016

31. Sawtooth amp Macro

It is easy to include too many components in the primary structure view.

It is best to create Macros for functions to create simpler primary structures, and also for reuse in other projects.

Right click on the Structure view and select New Macro. The name of the macro is Sawtooth amp.

Create a Knob (range 1 to 64, in steps of 1) and CTRL (CMD on Mac) click to left side of macro. Rename input name to n.

The output is connected to a Numeric readout named amp. CTRL click and drag the wire to right side of macro. Rename output to amp.

A Text component is created in the primary structure view. Some properties can be chaged like unselecting Show Label, making the size bigger, making the font bold and a bigger font size.

Also it is best to select the Macro and in the properties, toggle off the On property in Visible.

Finally right click on the Macro and save it as the default name, Sawtooth amp, in the default directory.

This is the structure view:

This is the Macro Sawtooth amp:

This is the panel view:

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