Sunday, December 25, 2016

33. Sine Bank

A Sine Bank module is used. It has 64 partials (Num input terminal). The Iteration module sends values from 1 to 64. Make sure the On value is the default value of 1.

The Out value of the Iteration module will be values from 1 to 64. We use a Order module to first send the value to Idx (index of sine bank). Then the Order module sends the value to Sawtooth macro which was designed earlier. It outputs the amplitude for that component. That amplitude value goes to AL to control left channel. Finally the left channel is multiplied by 0.5, which reduces final wave and makes sure it remains in the range -1 to +1.

The Scope shows the output for 1 millisecond, the period of the sawtooth wave.

There are three buttons. Start is pressed on and it will start the iteration. Then Apply is pressed, and it will apply the partials. Finally, Trig is pressed, to display the wave.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

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