Sunday, December 18, 2016

23. Start/Stop and Song Position

The Start/Stop module will generate a 1 signal on G when playback is started (space shortcut). The NOT will convert it 0 to reset the counter.

The Song Position module will count in 1/96th of a note duration, after playback is started. For example to get quarter note duration, we use a Modulo with 24. This will tick up at quarter note duration.

To verify the quarter note duration, we also use a Clock Osc at a frequency of 2 Hz. That is a 120 BPM tempo generates two beats per second. This is fed to counter which will tick at a rate of beats, or quarter note duration.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. so freuq;Clock Osc at a frequency of 2 Hz. that means that the counter will step up intill the Osc fits a cerified limit of 14 Hz?
