Friday, December 16, 2016

9. Quantize

The Quantize Module rounds the Input so it is an integer number of steps. The steps are the value of its St input. There might be offset (Ofs input) added to output. If not, it is default of 0.

Constants of 0.5 and 0.75 and used to control the St inputs of two Quantize modules.

A Fader, renamed to Input and in View tab of Properties Max changed to 10, with a step of 0.1, and with a horizontal orientation, controls the In for the two Quantize modules.

The numeric readouts of Out .5 and Err .5 are connected to first Quantize with St of .5. Likewise, numeric readouts of Out .75 and Err .75 are connected to second Quantize with St of .75.

This is the structure view:

This is the panel view:

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